El Salvador lived the experience of the Concacaf Access
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El Salvador lived the experience of the Concacaf Access

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  • Concacaf Access is a unique event that the Confederation has created to promote Central American football and its great commercial opportunities.
  • The meeting brought together football experts, creating a space for unique experiences and knowledge.

San Salvador, El Salvador, May 2, 2024 – Concacaf Access, the sporting experience that goes beyond the field of play, was successfully developed and had as its main objective to foster dialogue about football in El Salvador and interplay with experts. This exclusive event has previously been held in Costa Rica (2022), Guatemala (2022), and Honduras (2023).

The fourth edition of Concacaf Access featured the participation of distinguished international figures from the world of football. Among them, Concacaf General Secretary Philippe Moggio stood out, as well as renowned sports journalists Fernando Palomo and Alexis Tamayo 'Mister Chip'. Also in attendance were former national team members Carlos Castro Borja and Ricardo Guevara Mora, Humberto Sáenz and Henry Orellana, President and Member of the FESFUT Regularization Committee; also David Dóniga Lara, As the Head Coach of El Salvador’s Men’s National Team, the participation of these guests enriched the analysis discussions and provided a valuable perspective on sport in the region and its current challenges

"Through Concacaf Access we are building bridges of collaboration and knowledge that unite the entire passionate football community in Central America. Events like this allow us to identify areas for improvement and work together with all stakeholders in Confederation initiatives to drive growth and sporting excellence in our region," said Philippe Moggio, Concacaf General Secretary.

The Concacaf Access agenda was made up of five segments of 20 minutes each. During the first phase of the event, participants addressed the expansion of Concacaf's regional and international tournaments and topics such as building stronger ties with fans.

Concacaf’s General Secretary detailed how the Confederation has revolutionized and expanded its club ecosystem, which now includes a regional cup with the top 20 clubs in the region. The annual tournament, which includes 58 matches, allows fans to enjoy those historic rivalries and crown their champion. In addition, the top six qualify for the Concacaf Champions Cup, which features the top 27 from North America, Central America, and the Caribbean.  

Innovative strategies to engage fans more effectively and create memorable stadium experiences were also explored, as well as the positive impact local leagues can have on the growth and competitiveness of football in the region.

As the event progressed, panels delved into the history of "La Selecta" as the El Salvador National Team is known, exploring its achievements, challenges and aspirations. Two prominent figures in Salvadoran football, Carlos Castro Borja and Ricardo Guevara Mora, offered a unique insight into the current and future state of the sport in the country.

The last segment, titled "World Goal 2026," focused on one of the region's biggest football goals: qualifying for the 2026 World Cup. With Fernando Palomo and Mister Chip as moderators, this segment brought together Humberto Sáenz, President of the Normalization Commission and David Dóniga Lara, Technical Director of the National Team, who offered a key perspective on the challenges and strategies needed to achieve this important goal. The conversation was enlightening and motivating, giving viewers a clear vision of the next steps towards success on the road to the World Cup.

Gustavo Huertas, Director of Cracks Sports & Media, commented, "The key to success for Concacaf and Cracks lies in the commitment to enrich football in the region through these types of experiences. Connecting the different actors in the industry to collaborate and generate innovative proposals is the objective of Access and we are proud to have achieved it and grateful for the reception we had in El Salvador."

This event is one of the most relevant for the world of football, as it allows the constructive exchange of great protagonists of the region focusing on the growth of the sport, its trends, news, as well as the follow-up to one of the most important tournaments. This year also marks a milestone as they begin to lobby for the status of many clubs and players who are standing out to be part of their national teams on the way to the World Cup.

El Salvador has stood out as a destination for major international events and is a propitious space for the pleasant exchange of one of the great passions of millions of people in the world, Concacaf Access is a more detailed and exclusive vision for the greats of football and this 2024 was no exception to previous editions.